Aug 10, 2009

Tutu Number Two

Hot hot HOT day in Virginia today, so we made another tutu. I'm normally not a huge fan of the pale-yellow-old-rose-off-white color scheme, but the last roll of tulle on the shelf at Michael's was cream, so the decision was made for me. For a minute, I envisioned a stricken bride flying in, realizing that she had ended up short one roll of tulle for her wedding, only to find that I had it in my basket for yet another tutu for this 3-year old.

Actually, she had been asking me about her "dancing skirt" for a few days already, and when I started working on it, she announced that rather than handing me strips of tulle or ribbon, she would help me out by cheering for me. That's the half-made tutu on the back of her chair.

One hour (because I'm getting faster at it), 50 yards of tulle, a silk flower and some ribbon later:
Let's see when she'll take this one off.