Showing posts with label gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gear. Show all posts

Apr 20, 2010

Horror-Strollerific Saigon

And the award for MOST STROLLER UN-FRIENDLY CITY WE HAVE EVER SEEN goes to... (drumroll please) Ho Chi Minh City!!!

In addition to the "usual" disappearing sidewalks and twice-every-block construction sites, there were downed electric cables, giant potholes, cobblestones, and curbs that were always at least 1 foot high. Or: I might be biased, still reeling from the experience of having to untangle my stroller from the random coil of very thin (almost invisible) metal wire that was laying on the road, while dodging cars and evil, evil little motos. If planning a trip there with a baby, I have two words for you: BABY BJORN.

Apr 14, 2010

Oh, the self-loathing.

I can't believe I just bought this.I NEED it, though. Here's the former solution, which, though it would hold my body weight (and, in fact, has done that in the past), was just far too small and couldn't be opened and closed without annoyingly having to slide it down to the skinnier section of the handlebar:Not as bad as if I'd bought, say, a baby wipe warmer. But still. The Mommy Hook. Sigh.