Oct 28, 2008

Interpretive Dance

TWO entire WEEKS after I ordered it (and in the meantime was drooling over it daily online), I finally got my new Flip Mino in a care package from my mom yesterday, along with three new outfits for Bella, a little stuffed Woodstock ("Boid!!!!") in a pumpkin costume, and the Obama t-shirt I got for contributing to the campaign. I'm a permanent resident of the U.S., so I can't vote, but you better believe I gave money.

Would be happy as a clam to play with it (the camcorder) all day long, but I'll have to wait until I manage to make headway on this 3,000-word paper I have to write about Empirical Generalizations for Online Advertising, that the Chairman of the Board of my company is going to be presenting at Wharton. Yeah, no pressure or anything. The final version is due in 5 days, and true to form, I haven't written a word. If this turns out like anything I had to do in college, it'll be the night before and I'll be researching how to fake a heart attack so I can get an extension.

Anyway, back to the video. Mik's brother is visiting and was having fun improvising on the zheng (Chinese traditional harp-thingy instrument) in our living room, so, of course, Bella had to dance. In fact, she had to go and change OUT of her pajamas and into a "dancing dress," one that had just arrived in the package from Virginia.

ps. The Flip Mino takes GREAT quality videos; the one below is just compressed so it wouldn't take three days to upload.

Also: Bella is 34 months old today.

Link to Google Video in case it doesn't embed properly below.